Advantages of 3D-Secure 2.0 security technology

3D-Secure is an extra layer of protection for Vietcombank cardholders to enhance safety, security and convenience when making transactions online.

With this method, when performing transactions on e-commerce websites, besides normal authentication steps, Vietcombank will send an additional one-time transaction password (OTP) via text message or email for customers to enter and complete the transaction. 3D-Secure ensures that only the customer, as the cardholder, will have the password to complete the transaction.

As a superior security solution, 3D-Secure is applied by international card organizations and has different names for each organization, such as Safe Key (Amex), Verified by Visa (Visa), Mastercard SecureCode or Master ID check (Mastercard), J-Secure (JCB).

3D-Secure is applied for international debit and credit cardholders with American Express, Visa, Mastercard, and JCB brands issued by Vietcombank. To be protected, customers need to register a phone number or email to receive a one-time transaction password (OTP) with the bank. With the method of receiving OTP via SMS, Vietcombank automatically registers 3D-Secure for cardholders who have used the method of receiving OTP via SMS on other transaction channels such as VCB-iB @ nking. In case of unregistered customers, you can go to the nearest Vietcombank branch for instructions.

Vietcombank commits to continuously striving to improve the quality of its products and services, giving customers the best utilities and the most advanced security measures when using card products. One of the best examples of the bank’s positive improvement in enhancing the security in card payment transactions is the implementation of 3D Secure from December 2018. With outstanding advantages in safety, security and convenience, 3D-Secure has been well received and used by Vietcombank cardholders.


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